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NEW: I'm working on setting up a Reading Log! If I added every book I love to my Recs, there would be no end; but I read a lot and especially so MM romance by indie authors, and they definitely deserve more love. So have a log! It's not full reviews, but I hope if you're looking for something to read in the MM romance/erotica department, you can find something there :DDD

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Adult. He/Him pronouns. Chronic world-breaker in training. Still just being weird about monsters. Asexual; maybe it shows. (This is the pseud for writing kinky gay erotica, and one day I'll be able to write a true PWP fic without alll that pesky worldbuilding and bothersome characterization. One day. For sure.)

(Oh no.)

Check out my Now page to find out what I'm working on right now. You can find my recommendations here. I also occassionally dabble in CSS; I make themes for AO3, Shousetsu Bang Bang and Auto AO3 App. If there's something specific you're look for, or you just want to explore, try my Directory.

I'm on AO3, for better or worse. Also now trying out smutty and/or dark fanfics on a new AO3 account, because the fics I crave somehow... don't already... exist...'tis pure blasphemy.

A list of all my different series (worlds and/or characters I keep returning to, together with a reading order) can be found here.


You can (though I'm mostly a lurker) find me at discord on the Exchanges After Dark and Shousestu Bang Bang's discord servers.